In the vast expanse of space, Mars has long been the object of human fascination. With its cold deserts, thin atmosphere, and landscapes shaped by volcanic activity, Mars presents both opportunities and challenges. For NASA, the U.S. space agency, exploring Mars is no longer a distant dream but an imminent reality. The ultimate goal is to send humans to Mars and learn how they can adapt to the harsh conditions of this distant world.

Mars, often referred to as the “Red Planet,” holds a special place in our solar system. Its proximity to Earth and its potential for harboring life have made it the focus of numerous missions. Over the years, NASA has sent robotic missions like the Mars rovers—Curiosity and Perseverance—to gather crucial information about the planet’s geology, atmosphere, and the possibility of life. However, sending humans to Mars represents a new frontier of exploration, one that requires an understanding of how human physiology and psychology will react to prolonged exposure to Martian conditions.

NASA’s Artemis program, which aims to return humans to the Moon by 2025, is seen as a stepping stone to Mars. The knowledge and technology developed for lunar exploration are intended to prepare astronauts for the even more demanding environment of Mars. Unlike the Moon, Mars presents more complex challenges that will test human endurance, survival skills, and adaptability.

Mars is an unforgiving place for humans. With a thin atmosphere composed mostly of carbon dioxide, it offers no breathable air. The average surface temperature hovers around minus 80 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 60 degrees Celsius), with extreme fluctuations. Dust storms, which can last for months, can reduce visibility and hinder communication. The planet’s gravity is only about 38% of Earth’s, posing unique physical challenges for astronauts who will have to navigate this lower gravity environment.

One of the biggest challenges is the lack of liquid water. Although Mars has polar ice caps and some evidence of water trapped beneath its surface, accessing and purifying this water for human consumption will be critical. The scarcity of essential resources like oxygen, food, and water makes survival on Mars a complex problem that scientists are working tirelessly to solve.

NASA’s primary interest in sending humans to Mars is to learn how the human body will adapt to the Martian environment. On Earth, humans have evolved to live in a gravitational field that influences every aspect of our biology, from how our hearts pump blood to how our muscles and bones maintain strength. In microgravity environments, such as those experienced on the International Space Station (ISS), astronauts have already faced muscle atrophy, bone density loss, and cardiovascular issues. Spending months in low gravity conditions on Mars could exacerbate these effects, making physical exercise and rehabilitation crucial parts of any Mars mission.

Radiation is another significant concern. Without the protective magnetosphere and thick atmosphere that Earth enjoys, astronauts on Mars will be exposed to higher levels of cosmic radiation, which can increase the risk of cancer and other health problems. NASA is researching advanced radiation shielding technologies and protective suits to mitigate these risks. Understanding how the human body handles this radiation will be vital for ensuring long-term survival on Mars.

Adapting to Mars is not just a physical challenge; it’s a psychological one too. Astronauts will be isolated for extended periods, far away from family, friends, and the comforts of Earth. The sheer distance from Earth—ranging from 55 million kilometers to over 400 million kilometers depending on planetary orbits—means that communication delays will range from several minutes to nearly half an hour. This delay makes real-time conversations with mission control impossible and adds to the psychological strain on the crew.

NASA has been studying the effects of isolation and confinement through analog missions on Earth, such as the Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation (HI-SEAS) and NASA’s Human Exploration Research Analog (HERA). These studies simulate Mars-like conditions by placing astronauts in isolated habitats for months at a time. The findings from these missions help NASA prepare for the psychological toll that the long journey to Mars and the extended stay on the planet will likely have on astronauts.

A critical aspect of adapting to Mars involves developing life support systems that can function in the harsh environment. Since carrying all the necessary resources for survival is impractical, astronauts will need to rely on a concept called in-situ resource utilization (ISRU). ISRU involves using materials found on Mars to produce essentials like oxygen, water, and fuel. For example, NASA’s Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment (MOXIE), which is currently being tested on the Perseverance rover, is designed to extract oxygen from the Martian atmosphere. If successful, this technology could provide breathable air for astronauts and create oxygen for rocket fuel, reducing the need to transport large quantities of supplies from Earth.

Food is another major concern. Since resupplying missions from Earth would take too long, astronauts must grow their own food on Mars. NASA is exploring ways to cultivate crops in controlled environments using Martian soil, water harvested from ice, and recycled nutrients. Vertical farming and hydroponic systems, which allow plants to grow without soil, could be essential for providing a sustainable food source during long-term missions on Mars.

Another crucial element of adapting to Mars is the design and construction of habitats that can protect astronauts from the planet’s extreme conditions. These habitats will need to be radiation-proof, thermally insulated, and capable of sustaining human life for extended periods. NASA is exploring the possibility of 3D printing habitats using Martian soil, reducing the need to transport construction materials from Earth.

The habitats will also need to be equipped with life support systems that regulate air quality, temperature, and humidity. NASA is collaborating with private companies to design modular habitats that can be transported in pieces and assembled on the Martian surface. The design of these habitats will play a crucial role in determining how well humans can adapt to living on Mars.

Before sending humans to Mars, NASA is conducting extensive research aboard the ISS to study the effects of long-duration spaceflight on the human body. The ISS serves as a testbed for understanding how microgravity, isolation, and space radiation affect astronauts. NASA’s “One-Year Mission,” where astronaut Scott Kelly spent nearly a year aboard the ISS, provided valuable insights into the physical and psychological effects of extended space travel.

These studies have shown that the human body undergoes significant changes in space, from alterations in vision to shifts in the microbiome. By understanding these changes, NASA can develop countermeasures that will help astronauts maintain their health and well-being during the long journey to Mars and the even longer stay on the planet.

NASA’s journey to Mars will likely begin with a series of missions that gradually build up to a human landing on the Red Planet. The Artemis program, which will return humans to the Moon, is a key stepping stone in this process. By establishing a sustainable presence on the Moon, NASA aims to develop the technologies and systems necessary for Mars exploration.

The agency is also working with international partners and private companies like SpaceX to develop the spacecraft and infrastructure needed for a Mars mission. SpaceX’s Starship, for instance, is designed to carry humans to Mars and back, and NASA’s Orion spacecraft will play a critical role in deep space exploration.

As NASA moves closer to sending humans to Mars, the agency is focused on learning how humans can adapt to the planet’s harsh conditions. The challenges of living on Mars—ranging from the lack of air and water to the psychological strain of isolation—will test human endurance like never before. However, with advancements in technology and an unwavering commitment to exploration, NASA is optimistic that humans will not only survive on Mars but thrive.

The lessons learned from these missions will not only benefit future space explorers but could also have profound implications for life on Earth. Technologies developed for Mars could be applied to solve problems related to climate change, resource scarcity, and sustainable living. As NASA continues to push the boundaries of human exploration, Mars represents both a challenge and an opportunity—a new frontier where humans can prove their ability to adapt and flourish in the most extreme environments.